Public Sector Employment Law
We counsel clients on all aspects of employment law. We advise on compliance with state and federal laws such as Title VII, the Fair Employment and Housing Act, the Fair Labor Standards Act, the Americans with Disabilities Act and family leave laws. We also advise our clients regarding constitutional law issues unique to public employers including due process rights, free speech and search and seizure issues.
Our lawyers regularly represent clients in various employment related administrative hearings and proceedings including teacher layoff hearings, teacher and instructor termination hearings and classified employee discipline proceedings. We also represent clients before the California Department of Fair Employment and Housing, the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, the U.S. Department of Labor and the State Labor Commissioner.
We have a wide range of experience in every aspect of employment litigation though jury verdict and on appeal, including employee discrimination and wrongful termination cases and class action wage and hour lawsuits in state and federal courts.
Public Sector Labor Relations (including Negotiations Services)
We regularly represent our public sector clients in contract negotiations, impasse and factfinding procedures, grievance and arbitration proceedings, union representation proceedings and unfair labor practice charges before the Public Employment Relations Board.
Public Sector Litigation Services
We have extensive experience in every aspect of employment litigation including employee discrimination and wrongful discharge cases, writs of mandate and class action wage and hour lawsuits in state and federal courts. We also represent our public sector clients in litigation involving breach of contract claims, real property disputes and special education matters. Our lawyers have successfully defended our clients through jury verdict and on appeal. We provide an aggressive defense for our clients while remaining mindful of economic realities.
Public Sector Governance, Management & Operations Law
Our lawyers regularly advise our public sector clients on the Ralph M. Brown Act open meeting requirements, conflicts of interest laws including financial conflicts of interests in contracts, board governance procedures, the Public Records Act, and school safety and law enforcement issues. We regularly review and develop board policies and conduct legal seminars and board training for our public sector clients.
Education Law
We represent educational institutions throughout California including K-12 school districts, community college districts and county offices of education. We regularly advise on a wide range of education law issues ranging from student discipline, internal complaints and investigations, parental rights and attendance issues.
Special Education
We provide expert counsel on the complex issues involved in providing education for special needs students. We work closely with our clients to comply with the requirements of the special education process to avoid unnecessary hearings and litigation. Our lawyers regularly provide advice and representation in all areas of special education including compliance with state and federal laws such as the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, Americans with Disabilities Act and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act. We represent clients in California Department of Education compliance complaints and Office for Civil Rights investigations. We advise regarding eligibility determinations, appropriate accommodations and Individualized Education Programs. We represent and defend our public school clients in special education due process hearings before the State Office of Administrative Hearings and in related litigation.
Student Rights
We regularly train and advise clients with regard to student rights including First Amendment student free speech issues and Fourth Amendment search and seizure matters. We also counsel clients regarding Student Attendance Review Board matters, student records, student privacy, interpreting and applying new laws and regulations pertaining to student rights and inter-district transfers.